Thursday, June 21, 2012

How my day goes...

  • The alarm goes off at 4:00 AM. Willie hits snooze one time and gets up. 
  • Wakes me up at 4:15 AM! I hurry down the hall hoping and praying that no one is in the bathroom! Back to the room, wake up in the dark because they shut the main generator down every night at 10:30 and back on again at about 4:45  AM! The sun doesn't really set here so it's not totally dark and I can find my things to get dressed. And my hair in a ponytail and my hat on.
  • Out the door at 4:28 AM to work at 4:29. It's still dark but I'm laughing because there are a few select power outlets that are on the other generator for important things like oxygen and CPAP machines, etc. The thing that's making me laugh is the coffee pot is on!
  • I'm in charge of the dining room and the lunches for the fishermen. We started something new and fun, we call it, "The Sandwich Bar" to help the fishermen get the lunch they really want. I set everything out like the lunch meat and bread, mayo, mustard, chips, home made cookies, etc so our guests have a great lunch experience while they are fishing So I get that all set up.
  • Now it's time for breakfast 5 AM... same thing every day. Eggs from a carton, Milk from a carton, Orange juice from a carton, hash browns from a carton. Real cheese, real bread. Pre made sausage. Thick slices of ham and oven baked bacon. Just recently we've added canned peaches and fruit cocktail. I found some real apples and oranges and we can eat those too! We are staying at a fishing lodge in a really remote area so the food has to be able to be around for a while. The nearest Walmart in Juneau and the only way to get there is either by boat or plane. There are no streets or cars where we are. We get new people each Sunday. One of the lodges owners' friends goes to Walmart for us and sends our personal groceries with the guests on the plane.
  • 6:30 the guests are awake and ready to eat and start fishing. After they finish I clean up the dining room
    • Wash and sanitize the tables
    • Put away the sandwich bar
    • sweep and mop the floor
  • Change clothes to go fishing
  • 10:30 on the boat and heading for No Man's Land
  • 11:00 catch Halibut
  • 11:10 catch Halibut
  • etc...
  • 3:00 catch Halibut and head for home
  • 4:30 start evening kitchen duty until 9 PM
  • go to bed
  • Start over again!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds great! What a marvelous adventure! I love you. Oh - Glenn would like for you to bring him a hat (baseball cap) from there.
