Friday, June 15, 2012

Cindy's Apple Surprise Muffins

Our assignment here is helping in the kitchen. Willie mostly washes dishes but is quickly earning the trust of our 21 year old chef, KC.  Willie has helped him cook on the griddle, the oven and outside on the grill! I feel bad for him though because we make a lot of dirty dishes! He's a trooper and has that kitchen sparkling!

My jobs are numerous. My main job is to make lunches for the fishermen. They fill out a form requesting sandwiches, cookies, drinks and snacks. I fill the orders and put the food in an ice chest for them to pick up in the morning on the way out to the ocean. I also clean the dining room including washing the tables and mopping the floors!

KC puts out a 9:00 pm snack each night for the campers. Last night he asked me to make muffins! I didn't have a recipe per se but had a bulk muffin mix. I added the canned apples used for yesterday's pie and beat the heck out it!  Spooned it in the muffin tins and once in a while there would still be a good sized chuck of apples. They baked up really nice and fluffy and once in a while when you'd bite into one you'd get a surprise of a hunk of apple so we call them Cindy's Apple Surprise Muffins!

Willie went fishing with Bill again today. They caught 4 nice size halibut. Did I tell you how ugly halibut are? They are flat fish with eyes on the side/top of their heads but their mouths are twisted underneath them. They are the weirdest creatures!

I'll post the pictures later, it's 10:45 here and lights out was 30 minutes ago. 15 minutes early by the way!

The oldest daughter, Aurora is 13. She's very pretty and smart! Today we were looking at and learning about her camera. We had to take a break so the computer could reboot, etc so we were looking out the lodge window. In the trees right near the boat house were three eagles doing something very strange so we took our cameras down to investigate. Well there was a young ugly eagle pecking at an older eagle and pulling all his white feathers off his head! The old eagle was just sitting there bleeding and getting plucked! Another mature eagle was just sitting by watching while this young one mutilated the older one! It was amazing and gross. The two flew off and the injured one just sat there staring at us in surprise. Almost every one of his head feathers was off his head and all over the ground. Of course we took pictures and I'll upload them as soon as I can.

In the afternoon, Aurora and I went hiking behind the lodge. We saw an old house that was used by natives more than 30 years ago that was crumbled and broken.  Near it was a half of an old wooden chair. I can almost imagine a little family living there and the children playing in the stream and under the huge roots of the trees. It was a great adventure! We found two streams and interesting flora. I'll post pictures when I can... sorry. I just don't have time for extra curricular activities!

The campers leave Saturday morning and new ones arrive Sunday evening so hopefully I'll be able to catch up on picture posting by then.


  1. Replies
    1. It's a Sleeper Shark. Weighed in at 520 pounds. The chef took some of the skin for cleaning something and the rest was left for the eagles and other wildlife to partake.
