Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The trip home

We arrived in Juneau via Ward Air lines Sea Plane. Got the fish off the plane and headed for the hotel just across the street!

Our pilot

Things I won't miss
  • sharing the toilet with 30 people
  • living out of a suitcase
  • drying my hands on paper towels
Things I will miss
Our pilot looking at a map!
  • the delicious water! Fresh from the river behind the lodge, it was so yummy
  • the quiet stillness
  • the Velour blanket (By the way I'm going to google it right now so I can buy some for my house)
  • bonking the Halibut even though we brought almost 300 # home!
  • whale watching
  • 5 washing machines and dryers
  • someone else washing the dishes
  • homemade cookies
  • black cherry drink mix
unloading after a very smooth landing in Juneau
The hotel and all that was involved was chaotic and loud and I instantly missed the quiet mountains! But there was a toilet and a big shower and a bed with lots of room so that was nice! We walked to Donna's restaurant again and had a nice meal with Diane, Diane, Chad, Becky and Rick. Then we walked to the convenience store just down the street and got some candy and sodas then strolled home.

Restless night for our room but woke up at 5 AM and started the process home. Got the fish in the van and drove across the street to the Juneau Airport. Paid $110 for the 6 boxes of fish to fly. Great flight to Seattle then had to get the fish boxes from Alaska Air to Southwest Airlines - $250 more for the boxes to fly home! Straight from Seattle to ABQ, slept most of the way.

My mom and brother, Warren, picked us up at the Sunport at around 6. Stopped in to visit my dad for a minute then home to unload all the fish. We hadn't cleaned out the freezer for a long while so there was a bunch of old food to discard but Willie got all the frost chipped off the side and we were able to fit all the fish! I was very surprised that all the fish was still frozen solid when we unpacked it!

Yesterday and today we are suffering from severe jet lag. We can't get to sleep at night and it's so hot here! Should be all better tomorrow! Gonna keep resting today!

Glad to be home but missing our Alaska Kids and friends!

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